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Our PLTW (Project Lead the Way) Computer Science Pathway is a highly engaging experience that provides students with 21st century tech skills only previously attainable at colleges and universities. COMPSCii (Computer Science) introduces students to Computational Thinking through fun hands-on digital projects. Industry certification is also achieved throughout the three COMPSCii courses including Microsoft Certification in PowerPoint, Word and Excel. The mastery of software and programming experience best prepares students for the high paying IT industry. Students gain 3 years of programming experience in HTML, Java, Android Studio, Python, BlueJ, and Eclipse.  Everything they create is documented on a Website Portfolio which they create and learn to manage. Overall, students leave the pathway with interpersonal business skills though our CTSO FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and documented programming expertise! Not only that but students taking the third pathway course, AP Computer Science A, also receive a full computer science college credit after passing the AP Exam.

Intro to Digital Technology (IDT)


FUN!!! What is COMPSCii?

Computer Science is still a new career option for the majority of students. The Intro to Digital Technology course creates a smooth introduction and transition for students. Our focus is to provide a solid foundation of understanding for the content, opportunities and challenges of computational thinking. All this done through a lens of having a good time and enjoying the digital content that surrounds students lives on a daily basis. 

Computer Science Principles (CSP)


In the Computer Science Principles course students will develop computational thinking vital for success across all disciplines. The course is unique in its focus on fostering student creativity. Students are encouraged to apply creative processes when developing computational artifacts and to think creatively while using computer software and other technology to explore questions that interest them. The Python programming language is the focus of this course.

AP Computer Science A (AP CS A)

HangMan - Java in Python.PNG

AP Computer Science A is a programming class in Java, a popular in-demand programming language. Java is used to build server-side applications, games, and financial applications, and is the core foundation for developing Android apps. Students will be introduced to topics that include problem-solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structure), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. Eclipse, Blue J and Harold the Robot are some of the main programming languages that we focus on for this course.

Contact Mr. Jacobo to learn more.

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